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  • 04:32 Is Poland's tap water really protected by clams?

    Is Poland's tap water really protected by clams?

    227 views / 0 likes - added

    There's a lot of articles written about how tap water in Warsaw is constantly tested by a small team of clams. It felt like a hoax to me: so I went to find out. Thanks to MPWiK Warsaw: Marcin Krasnowolski https://polishf

  • 01:57 Popular NASA has found a planetary system with 7 Earth sized planets, all of which could have liquid water.

    NASA has found a planetary system with 7 Earth sized planets, all of which could have liquid water.

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    Seven Earth-sized planets have been observed by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope around a tiny, nearby, ultra-cool dwarf star called TRAPPIST-1. Three of these planets are firmly in the habitable zone. Over 21 days, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope measured t

  • 05:17 Can you solve the worlds most evil wizard riddle? - Dan Finkel

    Can you solve the worlds most evil wizard riddle? - Dan Finkel

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    Practice more problem-solving at evil wizard MoldeVort has been trying to kill you for years, and today it looks like hes going to succeed. But your friends are on their way, and if you can survive until they arrive, they

  • 05:17 There may be extraterrestrial life in our solar system - Augusto Carballido

    There may be extraterrestrial life in our solar system - Augusto Carballido

    628 views / 1 likes - added

    Is there extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Or are we alone? Take a journey to the ocean worlds on Jupiter and Saturn to investigate the possibility. --Deep in our solar system, a new era of exploration is unfolding. Beneath the thick ice of Europ

  • 05:52 How fast can a vaccine be made? - Dan Kwartler

    How fast can a vaccine be made? - Dan Kwartler

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    Dig into the three key phases of developing a new vaccine: exploratory research, clinical testing, and manufacturing. --When a new pathogen emerges, our bodies and healthcare systems are left vulnerable. And when this pathogen causes the outbreak of a pan

  • 05:23 The wildly complex anatomy of a sneaker - Angel Chang

    The wildly complex anatomy of a sneaker - Angel Chang

    377 views / 0 likes - added

    Dive into the anatomy of a sneaker to better understand your clothings carbon footprint, and how to be a more responsible consumer. --Australians call them runners." The British know them as trainers. Americans refer to them as sneakers. Whatever you call

  • 05:46 Ugly history: Japanese American incarceration camps - Densho

    Ugly history: Japanese American incarceration camps - Densho

    596 views / 0 likes - added

    Dig into the historic injustice of Japanese American incarceration camps, also known as internment camps, during World War II. --On December 7, 1941, 16 year-old Aki Kurose shared in the horror of millions of Americans when Japanese planes attacked Pearl

  • 05:51 Can you solve the death race riddle? - Alex Gendler

    Can you solve the death race riddle? - Alex Gendler

    507 views / 1 likes - added

    Practice more problem-solving at --The night before the Death Race across the Wastelands is set to begin, your uncle, the great inventor Slate Kanoli, got kidnapped by the ruthless No-Side gang. The only way to get him back is

  • 06:00 Can you solve the sorting hat riddle? - Dan Katz and Alex Rosenthal

    Can you solve the sorting hat riddle? - Dan Katz and Alex Rosenthal

    513 views / 1 likes - added

    Practice more problem-solving at -- It’s your first day at Magnificent Marigold’s Magical Macademy. But before you can learn your first spell you must get through the sorting ceremony. And the sorting hat has chose

  • 05:03 Popular The mysterious science of pain - Joshua W. Pate

    The mysterious science of pain - Joshua W. Pate

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    Explore the biological and psychological factors that influence how we experience pain and how our nervous system reactions to harmful stimuli.--In 1995, the British Medical Journal published a report about a builder who accidentally jumped onto a nail, w

  • 05:23 The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly

    The history of the world according to corn - Chris A. Kniesly

    450 views / 0 likes - added

    Trace the 9,000 year old history of the domestication of corn, or maize, and its effects on global agriculture. --Corn currently accounts for more than one tenth of our global crop production. And over 99% of cultivated corn is the exact same type: Yellow

  • 05:35 The hidden treasures of Timbuktu - Elizabeth Cox

    The hidden treasures of Timbuktu - Elizabeth Cox

    330 views / 1 likes - added

    Dig into the ancient manuscripts, scrolls, and books of Timbuktu and find out why theyve been hidden for centuries. --On the edge of the vast Sahara desert, citizens snuck out of the city of Timbuktu and took to the wilderness. They buried chests in the d

  • 05:11 Claws vs. nails - Matthew Borths

    Claws vs. nails - Matthew Borths

    366 views / 0 likes - added

    Discover the evolutionary purpose of nails, and explore the theories of why they evolved from claws over 55 million years ago. --Consider the claw. Frequently found on animals around the world, its one of natures most versatile tools. Bears use claws for

  • 05:21 A brief history of alcohol - Rod Phillips

    A brief history of alcohol - Rod Phillips

    336 views / 0 likes - added

    Trace the 7,000 year old history of alcohol, from its first known origins in China to cultures all over the world fermenting their own drinks.--Nobody knows exactly when humans began to create fermented beverages. The earliest known evidence comes from 7,

  • 04:22 Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen - Alex Gendler

    Everything changed when the fire crystal got stolen - Alex Gendler

    423 views / 0 likes - added

    This riddle was created in partnership with Brilliant. Practice more problem solving here: --Someone has tripped the magical alarms in the Element Temple. When you and the other monks arrive on the scene, you know you have a d

  • 05:31 Popular The dust bunnies that built our planet - Lorin Swint Matthews

    The dust bunnies that built our planet - Lorin Swint Matthews

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    Investigate the theories surrounding cosmic dust bunnies and discover how the tiny particles could hold the key to the formation of life on Earth. --Consider the spot where youre sitting. Travel backwards in time and it mightve been submerged at the botto

  • 05:05 Popular The big-beaked, rock-munching fish that protect coral reefs - Mike Gil

    The big-beaked, rock-munching fish that protect coral reefs - Mike Gil

    903 views / 1 likes - added

    Discover the quirky creature known as the parrotfish, and the key role it plays in keeping coral reefs healthy and thriving. --As the sun rises over a quiet coral reef, one animal breaks the morning silence. Named for its vibrant scales and beak-like teet

  • 05:18 Performing brain surgery without a scalpel - Hyunsoo Joshua No

    Performing brain surgery without a scalpel - Hyunsoo Joshua No

    251 views / 0 likes - added

    Dig into the science of radiosurgery: a procedure that uses light beams of radiation to target tumors, without making a single incision.--Every year, tens of thousands of people have brain surgery without a single incision: theres no scalpel, no operating

  • 05:24 Why isn't the Netherlands underwater? - Stefan Al

    Why isn't the Netherlands underwater? - Stefan Al

    385 views / 0 likes - added

    Dig into the incredible engineering of the Netherlands Delta Works the most sophisticated flood prevention system in the world. --In January 1953, a tidal surge shook the North Sea. The titanic waves flooded the Dutch coastline, killing almost 2,000 peopl

  • 05:05 Can you solve the Alice in Wonderland riddle? - Alex Gendler

    Can you solve the Alice in Wonderland riddle? - Alex Gendler

    459 views / 1 likes - added

    Practice more problem-solving at --After many adventures in Wonderland, Alice has once again found herself in the court of the temperamental Queen of Hearts. Shes about to pass through the garden undetected, when she overhears

  • 10:40 Popular How Many People Did Nuclear Energy Kill? Nuclear Death Toll

    How Many People Did Nuclear Energy Kill? Nuclear Death Toll

    737 views / 2 likes - added

    The first 1000 people to use this link will get a free trial of Skillshare: Sources & further reading: Nuclear energy creates an uneasy feeling of dang

  • 03:39 a Eurovision song created by Artificial Intelligence: Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears

    a Eurovision song created by Artificial Intelligence: Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears

    477 views / 1 likes - added

    As Europe (together with Australia and Israel) are glued to their TV sets watching the 64th Eurovision song competition, we asked ourselves What makes a Eurovision song memorable? does a Eurovision hit have special DNA? We are a group of artists, musician

  • 08:35 Popular The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

    The Coronavirus Explained & What You Should Do

    1,392 views / 5 likes - added

    Get Merch designed with from Join the Patreon Bird Army More infos and links are just a click away A huge thanks to the experts who helped us on short notice with the video. Especially “Our World in Dat


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