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  • 01:22 Popular Circle in Circle. Optical illusion

    Circle in Circle. Optical illusion

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    Probably this is the first Cardano's Hypocycloid mechanical model, not animation, that model makers have ever built. This motion was described first by Nicolaus Copernicus Consider two circles of radii R and R/2 with the smaller one rolling inside the big

  • 04:13 A short animation: the Copernican Revolution

    A short animation: the Copernican Revolution

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    In the 16th century, Nicholai Copernicus proposed a fundamental change to the way we see our place in existence: it is the Sun and not Earth that occupies the physical centre, he said. The Copernican revolution that followed holds many important lessons f

  • 10:01 Can a Little Oil Really Calm the Ocean?

    Can a Little Oil Really Calm the Ocean?

    43 views / 0 likes - added

    Stay informed on breaking news by subscribing through my link to receive 30% off the Vantage Subscription which is about $6/month for unlimited access to all the features to better your news consumption experience. A few publ

  • 05:22 Popular Why Are Planetary Orbits Elliptical?

    Why Are Planetary Orbits Elliptical?

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    For a very long time, from Ptolemy to the age of Copernicus, it was widely believed and accepted that planets in our Solar System revolved in a perfectly circular path. Because the circle was presumed to be an ideal shape for planetary bodies to orbit. Bu

  • 04:05 Apparently tree FINGERPRINTS are a thing

    Apparently tree FINGERPRINTS are a thing

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    Thanks to the ASCEND project for partnering with us on this video!Every species on Earth has a fingerprint - whether or not they have fingers at all. LEARN MORE**************To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords: - Spectr

  • 15:08 Popular Scientific Revolution: Crash Course European History #12

    Scientific Revolution: Crash Course European History #12

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    There was a lot of bad stuff going on in Europe in the 17th century. We've seen wars, plagues, and unrest of all types. But, there is some good news. Huge advances were underway in the scientific community in Europe at this time. In this video we'll look

  • 05:08 Hairy Branches and Ices Other Weird, Wonderful Forms

    Hairy Branches and Ices Other Weird, Wonderful Forms

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    Jessi and Squeaks found a branch growing what looked like white hair! So they brought the branch back to the Fort to run some tests and found out that it isn't hair at all... it's ice! ----------Love SciShow Kids and want to help support it? Become a Patr

  • 04:48 Moonlight (Clair de Lune)

    Moonlight (Clair de Lune)

    587 views / 0 likes - added

    This visualization attempts to capture the mood of Claude Debussy's best-known composition, Clair de Lune (moonlight in French). The piece was published in 1905 as the third of four movements in the composer's Suite Bergamasque, and unlike the other parts

  • 02:58 How Wildfires Generate "Never-Ending" Storms

    How Wildfires Generate "Never-Ending" Storms

    370 views / 1 likes - added

    To start using Tab for a Cause, go to: the right conditions, wildfires can form clouds and generate firestorms, which last far longer than normal thunderstorms.LEARN MORE**************To learn more about this topi

  • 04:04 Why Wolves Don't Chirp

    Why Wolves Don't Chirp

    400 views / 2 likes - added

    Check out Brilliant (and get 20% off) here: that animals make can be really different, and it turns out that there's a reason why some species communicate with certain sounds.Thanks also to our Patreon patrons http

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