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  • 03:48 Popular Can You Solve This Harvard Admissions Question? Algebra Problem, 1869

    Can You Solve This Harvard Admissions Question? Algebra Problem, 1869

    1,452 views / 0 likes - added

    The Harvard admissions exam in 1869 included this algebra problem: "A man bought a watch, a chain, and a locket for $216. The watch and locket together cost three times as much as the chain, and the chain and locket together cost half as much as the watch

  • 04:43 Can you solve the secret sauce riddle? - Alex Gendler

    Can you solve the secret sauce riddle? - Alex Gendler

    650 views / 1 likes - added

    As a top spy trained in infiltration and safecracking, its up to you to steal the competitions secret sauce recipe. Can you figure out where it's hidden? --One of the top chefs from Pasta Palace has been kidnapped by operatives from Burger Bazaar hoping t

  • 07:41 I Got A $500K Deal On Shark Tank

    I Got A $500K Deal On Shark Tank

    286 views / 0 likes - added

    Samantha John never imagined that her attempts at trying to get kids to code would lead her straight into the Shark Tank. Check out the Hopscotch app: to BuzzFeedVi

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