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      Copyright 2005-2024 
For the American sport, see American football. For other sports known as football, see Football
Switzerland and Albania playing in a football match in 2003
A match between Shrewsbury Town and Gillingham in England in 2011.
African boys playing soccer
Three kids playing soccer on the beach
Boys playing street football in the ASTU

Association football
Football pictogram.svg
Football pictogram
Highest governing bodyFIFA
First playedMid-19th century England
Team members11 per side (including goalkeeper)
Mixed genderNo, separate competitions
TypeTeam sport, ball sport
EquipmentFootball (or soccer ball),shin pads
VenueFootball pitch (also known as football field, football ground, soccer field, soccer pitch or "pitch")
GlossaryGlossary of association football
Country or regionWorldwide
OlympicMen's since the 1900 Olympics and women's since the 1996 Olympics
Paralympic5-a-side since 2004 and 7-a-side from 1984 to 2016

Association football is a sport played between two teams. In the United States, Canada and Australia, it is called soccer. In most other English-speaking countries it is called football. Association football is the most popular sport in the world.

Games like football have been played around the world since ancient times. The game came from England, where the Football Association wrote a standard set of rules for the game in 1863.

The game originated in China, for their army. The players had a very heavy ball and goals high. England took the idea of the Chinese game and changed the rules a bit and now it is the modern game we know today.

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