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Bar magnet

A magnet is a special kind of metal. When a magnet goes near a special kind of metal or another magnet, and the poles (sides) touching are opposite, it will pull, or attract the other object closer. If the two poles are the same, the magnet and the other object will push away, or repel, from each other. This attraction and repulsion is called magnetism.All magnets have north and south poles. Opposite poles are attracted to each other, while the same poles repel each other. When you rub a piece of iron along a magnet, the north-seeking poles of the atoms in the iron line up in the same direction. The force generated by the aligned atoms creates a magnetic field.

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That's what happens if you throw a magnet in copper pipe

That's what happens if you throw a magnet in copper pipe
Can you solve the magnet riddle with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki

Can you solve the magnet riddle with YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki
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Here’s Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets More Than Others

Here’s Why Some People Are Mosquito Magnets More Than Others
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Magnet Spider Stretch Guy game
Magnet Spider Stretch Guy game
Super Magnet Cleaner
Super Magnet Cleaner
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