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Emperor penguin
Aptenodytes forsteri -Snow Hill Island, Antarctica -adults and juvenile-8.jpg
Adults with a chick on Snow Hill Island, Antarctic Peninsula
Conservation status
Scientific classification e
A. forsteri
Binomial name
Aptenodytes forsteri
Gray, 1844
Manchot empereur carte reparition.png
Emperor penguin range
(breeding colonies in green)

The Emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri) is a penguin that lives in Antarctica. It is the tallest and heaviest penguin. They are the only birds that can lay their eggs on ice.

Emperors are the biggest of the 18 species of penguin found today, and one of the largest of all birds. Emperor penguins are about 1.1 m (4 ft) tall, weigh up to 45 kg (99 lb) and have a wingspan of 30 in (76 cm). Emperor Penguins are black and white like all penguins, and the sides of their neck and chest are golden. They can dive deeper than any other bird, including other penguins. Emperor penguins are also the largest penguins in the world. Emperors are the biggest of the 18 species of penguin found today and one of the largest of all birds. There are approximately 595,000 adult Emperor penguins in Antarctica. Emperor penguins do not build nests they lay their eggs on the ice through their legs. Like other penguins, emperors leap into the air while swimming, which is called porpoising.

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How To Draw A Realistic Emperor Penguin

How To Draw A Realistic Emperor Penguin
A month-old, 2-pound emperor penguin gets feeding.

A month-old, 2-pound emperor penguin gets feeding.
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